Quotation info
( 3 - 10 YO )
we are offring discounts upto 20% for early bird booking ( min 7 days )
Are you travelling to Thiland before {{ }}
Which places you are planing to stay ?
Tours {{place_opt.name}}
Tour Name
{{ _h.view.price( tour_opt.price_adult ) }} / Adult
{{ _h.view.price( tour_opt.price_children ) }} / Child
Quote Summery
from airport to hotel {{ _h.view.price( _h.calculate.transfer_airport_to_hotel() ) }}
from airport to PhiPhi ferry {{ _h.view.price( _h.calculate.transfer_airport_to_ferry() ) }}
from hotel to PhiPhi ferry {{ _h.view.price( _h.calculate.transfer_hotel_to_ferry() ) }}
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